Sharing our Message: Morgane Michael

April 12, 2018
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller

Earlier this week, 外围十大菠菜app在网上发现了一段动画视频,讲述了巴里-韦赫米勒如何应对2008-2009年经济衰退的故事. It was shared as part of the “Minute Monday” series from Small Act, Big Impact, the brainchild of Morgane Michael, a teacher and education leader.

On her website,摩根向她的读者发起了为期21天的善意挑战. 善良是外围十大菠菜appBarry-Wehmiller学校的核心价值观, 外围十大菠菜app想向读者介绍摩根和她的挑战. In addition to speaking in schools to spread the word, 她正在设计专业发展,为教师和领导提供将该项目融入课堂的路线图. She also writes a weekly blog 她将在今年夏天推出自己的播客.

Here’s a short Q and A with Morgane Michael:

What is the 21-Day Small Act Big Impact Challenge?

In our current world filled with uncertainty, ubiquitous inundation of technology, and political turmoil, 外围十大菠菜app中的许多人越来越感到与科学证明决定外围十大菠菜app整体幸福感的东西脱节:外围十大菠菜app与他人的联系. Anxiety, loneliness, 抑郁症和自杀率在北美人口中持续上升. 在效率和成本削减的名义下,许多企业关注的是数字而不是人. Many schools focus on grades and achievement, instead of cultivating conscientious, passionate, innovative and entrepreneurial students. On both macro and micro levels, it feels as though our country, many businesses, organizations and schools are in crisis.

作为关于工作场所动机和行为管理的畅销书作者丹·平克断言, “人们醒着的时间有一半以上是在工作.“大多数人都希望觉得自己在为比自己更重要的事情做出贡献, that what they are doing is meaningful, and essentially, that they matter. 我相信外围十大菠菜app都要对外围十大菠菜app工作的文化负责, learn and live, 外围十大菠菜app的领导人肩负着为外围十大菠菜app指明道路的重任.

“小行动大影响21天挑战”旨在促进和培养工作场所和教育机构的安全和支持性文化. 外围十大菠菜app鼓励各行各业的个人(领导), employees, parents, 学生)有意识地承诺在连续21天内每天至少做一件利他行为, putting aside differences, busy schedules, expectations of recompense, and assumptions, to do so. 令人难以置信的是,科学证明,人们不仅在做善事时感到更快乐, 但他们的行为实际上有助于让周围的人更快乐, too! The kicker? By committing to 21-days of intentional kindness, habits of perspective-taking, altruism, 感恩是在神经学层面形成的,最终会带来显著的积极影响, 在工作场所和机构文化中产生持久的连锁反应.


I read Simon Sinek’s incredible book, 《正规博十大app排名》(讲述了鲍勃·查普曼和巴里·韦赫米勒的故事), while on maternity leave with my second child. 他分享的许多观点都深深引起了我的共鸣. 在书中,他解释了压力和友善对大脑的影响.

斯涅克解释说,皮质醇是大脑释放到外围十大菠菜app身体中的压力化学物质. 它关闭了外围十大菠菜app身体中所有非必要的功能,比如消化, growth, 还有外围十大菠菜app的免疫系统,这样外围十大菠菜app就能立即对危险做出反应,逃跑, fighting, or freezing. 皮质醇还能直接阻止体内催产素(一种同理心激素)的分泌. The problem is, 人们越来越频繁地感到压力,皮质醇在外围十大菠菜app体内停留的时间太长了. It’s having harmful effects on our health, mental well-being, and most importantly, our ability to connect with people.

Oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the feelings of love, connection, and empathy, 当外围十大菠菜app接受或执行一项利他行为时,释放了什么. 事实证明,当人们看到一个友好的手势时,催产素也会被释放. Incredibly, 神经科学家发现,真正的善良是具有传染性的,并且有能力抵消压力的影响. Consequently, 简单地做一些善事就能让外围十大菠菜app周围的人更快乐,通过联想减少压力.

这是我第一次真正接触到善良的科学,因为它与工作场所和教育文化有关. It felt like a powerful realization for me. As a teacher and aspiring educational leader, 我很自然地开始思考如何将这些理论应用到课堂和学校社区中.

就在那时,我想出了21天善意挑战的主意. 有意的善意行为将导致文化的更积极的变化,将其延长为21天的运动将确保持久的变化.

21天小行动大影响挑战与其他随机和零星性质的善意倡议的区别在于21天的承诺. 如果外围十大菠菜app想在外围十大菠菜app的文化中创造长期的积极转变, we need to fundamentally change our habits.

What is “Minute Monday?” What is your hope for these videos?

My YouTube Minute Monday Series is a bite-sized, 让外围十大菠菜app一分钟了解一下激发了21天小行动大影响挑战的大影响者. Generally, 这些视频强化并提供了有意的可能性的例子, daily kindness.

我希望每个人都能与他们所看到的产生共鸣,并受到启发,更多地了解并将一些利他主义和创新的想法融入到他们自己的生活中,使他们的工作场所更加美好, homes and communities more positive, supportive places. I know from personal experience, sometimes, all it takes is a spark of inspiration to make big, lasting change.


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