
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席


下个月, plans will be made for (responsible) get-togethers with teammates, 亲戚朋友, 感恩和庆祝. Many of these gatherings did not happen last year, so it will make this year even more meaningful.

It’s the season to be with family, however you define that word. It can inspire many different emotions based on a person’s experience.

The word “family” is used frequently in regard to Barry-Wehmiller. 事实上,这是我书的标题, Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family.

The concept of “Caring for Your People Like Family” is not intended to be paternalistic. 这根本不是目的. It is about changing the view of our workplaces in a relatable way.

The subtitle of my book comes from the experiences of many people inside of Barry-Wehmiller and visitors who have seen our culture firsthand and then describing it as a family. 不是"像一家人一样"而是作为一家人.

I believe – in our company’s language – family doesn’t mean blood-related. It means an environment or culture of unconditional care.

I always feel safe and valued with my family – my wife, our children and grandchildren – which is ideally a birthright. 这个假期, you may not find unconditional care in a gathering of relatives, 但是对于老朋友, 邻居, 大学的朋友, or fellow members of a church or other group.

外围十大菠菜app的工作场所, when people feel cared for by leaders who have the skills and courage to care, quite often people use the word “family” without even thinking about it – they are in an environment where people feel cared for by each other.

I didn’t understand the concept of unconditional love in my faith until I had kids. When you see a child born of your marriage, that is of you, you understand unconditional love. You don’t love your kids because they’re beautiful or smart or good, you love them because they’re your children.

And that’s one of the reasons why the most transformative concept within Truly Human 领导 is when we suggest, rather than viewing those you lead or work alongside through the lens of their role, you think of them instead as someone’s precious child.

Traditional leadership or management conditions us to view people as functions to get them to do what we want so we can be successful, 不是因为外围十大菠菜app关心他们. Thinking of the person next to us or the people within our span of care as someone’s precious child changes that dynamic. It helps to bring some of that unconditional care to the equation because we recognize their inherent dignity and humanity. 它们不是一个功能或角色. They are a person, cared for just like I am cared for and deserve to receive that care from others.

Caring is the most essential skill we can teach our leaders, one that is achieved through empathetic listening and recognizing and celebrating our people. But it also starts with teaching leaders to change their mindset and start seeing those within their span of care as someone’s precious child, 不可替换的功能.


几年前,我被介绍给 Steve Jones, a high school football coach at Kimberly High School in Kimberly, WI.

Steve led his teams to five consecutive state titles from 2013-2017 with an incredible run of 70 consecutive victories, 威斯康星州的记录.

拥有这些令人印象深刻的证书, 当外围十大菠菜app相遇, I asked Steve what he taught his players about winning and losing. 他说他们没有. 他说 that they teach them to play their position well for their fellow team members. Do it as an act of respect for their fellow team members.

他说, “当人们真正关心彼此时, it’s amazing how hard they will work for each other.”

What kind of culture does that thinking create? How do you think those players feel about the others on their team?

领导人, if you create an environment of unconditional care, wouldn’t the people there want to “play their position well” for their teammates?

As you gather with whomever you consider family this Thanksgiving and throughout the holiday season, think about how you feel with the people around you. Now think about your teammates at work, or, if you are a leader, those within your span of care. 有区别吗?? 如果有,它们是什么,为什么?

It may not be your home and your teammates may not be your family, but when you spend 40+ hours a week together, working toward the same purpose and goals, wouldn’t it be better if it were an environment where you felt unconditional care?

这是 The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family.


Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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